Maaf dipinta kepada semua.
Atas beberapa sebab yang tak dapat dinyatakan di sini, saya terpaksa rehat sebentar. Akan tetapi sekarang saya akan kembali.
Jumpa lagi selepas ini. Tetapi format blogging akan ditukar sedikit untuk kebaikan semua. Tunggu kemunculannya ya!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Total blindness towards race and religion
Salam to all,
I just came back from from my 'Circle of life meeting', my normal early Sunday morning breakfast discussion. Today,we discussed about the direction of the country from the context of current political scenario. The meeting was attended by various personalities, each of them from different age group and backgrounds.
The conclusion from the meeting was "the country should strive for 'total blindness' towards race and religion". Coincidentally, another friend of mine e mailed me few articles written by fellow bloggers regarding the same topic. Interesting event!
I laughed at them. I laughed at myself.
I remember I asked them, "come on guys, are we living in heaven now?".
Some of them answered "Yes!"
I believe, many of us out there shared the same view, maybe not my personal view.
But i still think that we are dreaming too much in this aspect. I'm not trying to be a pessimist here, but i know myself and my environment well. I know what's an idea and what's the reality.
The non- Malays are thinking that the country should go on even and fair ground where everybody, as long as they are the legal citizen of Malaysia, shall receive equal treatment. They questioned the right and the basis of Malay's struggle in this country. Some even asked, "what struggled?". The Malays are enjoying the benefits of being Malays in almost every aspect of their life.
The Malays, of course, doesn't agree. Maybe not all Malays shared the same view. Whatever these Malays said, and whether they like it or not, they are at the receiving end anyway.
I was trying to find the answer for this for a long time. And i discover one single fact, that dream, is merely a dream. I know, some of you might not agree with me. I could not care less about them. I don't ask you to agree with me here, at first place.
For those who disagree, let me tell you my reasons:
1. Whoever you believe in, as your current leader, did not fight for the 'true' equal right. Check my word, not even a single one have the ability to do this. They know this fact well themselves. What are they doing right now,is to go for the best they can, meaning, they know they cannot, but just do it for the sake of the 'perjuangan'. They know, the final destiny is impossible. So, what's best they can achieve is partial only, not TOTAL!
What they shout, is not what they believe. Especially, when they say so. Look at what are they doing. In order to understand this, you must be able to look deeper than what you see.
2. Study history and start looking around. Do a comparative one. One of my very close Chinese friend said to me, whatever happen to this country, Malaysia is still the best country for non-Malays to stay. Everything is a gain, and nothing to loose, he said.
3. Take a day of our normal daily routine, and ask ourselves, are we being fair to ourselves, and to others. Being fair to ourselves mean, we allow ourselves to criticize what we did, and start looking from other's point of view. In other word, letting our ego down, and understand others. In order to do this, we must be able to dig into our own mind and have a clear insight. Not an easy task actually.
Being fair to others mean, not to use our own ruler to measure others.
Dear all Malaysians,
In my study, many did not manage to escape themselves from the common trap of 'race and religion'. We live with it.
That's why i said, a call for a total blindness towards race and religion is a joke.
I'm not so sure about you out there, but i'm very sure about myself.
I'll do all out to make sure my next generation and I, did not forget our root, race and religion. I'll make them understand the history and let them to interpret base on their knowledge and understanding.
At the same time, i will also do all out to make sure my next generation and I, will always treat our friend Ah Kow, Raju and others as my fellow friends, just like Ahmad, Sulaiman and many more.
My father can do that, why can't I?
I just came back from from my 'Circle of life meeting', my normal early Sunday morning breakfast discussion. Today,we discussed about the direction of the country from the context of current political scenario. The meeting was attended by various personalities, each of them from different age group and backgrounds.
The conclusion from the meeting was "the country should strive for 'total blindness' towards race and religion". Coincidentally, another friend of mine e mailed me few articles written by fellow bloggers regarding the same topic. Interesting event!
I laughed at them. I laughed at myself.
I remember I asked them, "come on guys, are we living in heaven now?".
Some of them answered "Yes!"
I believe, many of us out there shared the same view, maybe not my personal view.
But i still think that we are dreaming too much in this aspect. I'm not trying to be a pessimist here, but i know myself and my environment well. I know what's an idea and what's the reality.
The non- Malays are thinking that the country should go on even and fair ground where everybody, as long as they are the legal citizen of Malaysia, shall receive equal treatment. They questioned the right and the basis of Malay's struggle in this country. Some even asked, "what struggled?". The Malays are enjoying the benefits of being Malays in almost every aspect of their life.
The Malays, of course, doesn't agree. Maybe not all Malays shared the same view. Whatever these Malays said, and whether they like it or not, they are at the receiving end anyway.
I was trying to find the answer for this for a long time. And i discover one single fact, that dream, is merely a dream. I know, some of you might not agree with me. I could not care less about them. I don't ask you to agree with me here, at first place.
For those who disagree, let me tell you my reasons:
1. Whoever you believe in, as your current leader, did not fight for the 'true' equal right. Check my word, not even a single one have the ability to do this. They know this fact well themselves. What are they doing right now,is to go for the best they can, meaning, they know they cannot, but just do it for the sake of the 'perjuangan'. They know, the final destiny is impossible. So, what's best they can achieve is partial only, not TOTAL!
What they shout, is not what they believe. Especially, when they say so. Look at what are they doing. In order to understand this, you must be able to look deeper than what you see.
2. Study history and start looking around. Do a comparative one. One of my very close Chinese friend said to me, whatever happen to this country, Malaysia is still the best country for non-Malays to stay. Everything is a gain, and nothing to loose, he said.
3. Take a day of our normal daily routine, and ask ourselves, are we being fair to ourselves, and to others. Being fair to ourselves mean, we allow ourselves to criticize what we did, and start looking from other's point of view. In other word, letting our ego down, and understand others. In order to do this, we must be able to dig into our own mind and have a clear insight. Not an easy task actually.
Being fair to others mean, not to use our own ruler to measure others.
Dear all Malaysians,
In my study, many did not manage to escape themselves from the common trap of 'race and religion'. We live with it.
That's why i said, a call for a total blindness towards race and religion is a joke.
I'm not so sure about you out there, but i'm very sure about myself.
I'll do all out to make sure my next generation and I, did not forget our root, race and religion. I'll make them understand the history and let them to interpret base on their knowledge and understanding.
At the same time, i will also do all out to make sure my next generation and I, will always treat our friend Ah Kow, Raju and others as my fellow friends, just like Ahmad, Sulaiman and many more.
My father can do that, why can't I?
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Melayu dan 'Malaysian'
Salam untuk semua,
Sudah sekian lama saya membisu dan tidak berkesempatan menguruskan blog ini. Tulisan pun banyak yang terpaksa di simpan dahulu. Akan tetapi, saya terpaksa menulis hari ini selepas hati rasa membara membaca coretan Tun Dr Mahathir di dalam blognya.
Saya pohon maaf kerana hari ini saya akan berbicara tentang politik. Tidak semua mungkin bersetuju dengan saya akan tetapi, inilah coretan saya berdasarkan kisah hidup dan kepercayaan saya sendiri.
Saya tidak akan mengulas tentang senario politik sekarang secara terperinci lagi. Tetapi, saya akan membincangkan tentang pandangan saya tentang apakan arah tuju kita selepas ini.
Saya nampak kehancuran UMNO dan orang Melayu akan kehilangan kuasa politik mereka dalam masa terdekat, yakni dalam masa setahun dua ini. Pilihanraya akan datang akan menyerlahkan kenyataan saya ini. Dan akan timbul begitu banyak isu lagi berkenaan hal ini. Tidak mustahil perkara ini akan berlarutan sehingga menimbulkan kekacauan dan haru biru di dalam negara kita.
Berikut adalah huraian saya:
1. 'Trend' politik yang berlaku sekarang menunjukkan bahawa orang Melayu sudah tidak berani mengaku mereka itu Melayu yang menerima banyak hak-hak keistimewaan Melayu seperti yang termaktub di dalam perlembagaan Malaysia. Mereka begitu segan dan malu untuk mengakui bahawa mereka adalah bangsa yang di bantu sepanjang hayat. Orang bukan Melayu pula mengambil kesempatan yang jarang-jarang tiba ini untuk mengungkit kembali banyak peristiwa dan isu yang selama ini menjadi dendam dan inti ketidakpuasan hati mereka.
Kedua-dua perkara ini jika diperhatikan secara terperinci akan membawa kepada kehilangan 'ketuanan' Melayu seperti yang dihuraikan oleh TDM di dalam blognya. Tuduhan bermain 'racial card' akan di berikan jika ada individu-individu tertentu yang memperjuangkan bangsa sendiri, tanpa mengutamakan konsep bangsa Malaysia. Maka, lebih ramai orang Melayu akan membisu kerana takut dituduh sedemikian. Maka lebih kuat pula orang bukan Melayu yang akan menekan isu ini dalam ertikata peluang yang tidak boleh dibiarkan begitu sahaja. Tiada pernah dalam sejarah orang bukan Melayu mendapat peluang sebegini rupa..
2. Saya tidak dapat melihat bagaimana UMNO dapat diselamatkan. Maka, dengan kematian UMNO maka, akan matilah sejarah yang memegang kuasa politik orang Melayu selama ini. Ada pihak-pihak tertentu yang berkata, parti lain juga memperjuangkan hak-hak orang Melayu dan orang Melayu akan terus terbela walaupun UMNO sudah berkubur. Ada pula yang marah kenapa asyik bercakap tentang orang Melayu sedangkan kita sudah sepatutnya bercakap tentang bangsa Malaysia, seperti orang Indonesia.
Berkuburnya UMNO beerti kuasa yang dipegang selama ini akan dibahagikan semula kepada pihak lain. Bagaimana dan apakah corak dan bahagiannya, tidaklah saya dapat menghuraikan pada waktu ini. Yang pasti, orang Melayu akan mencari-cari semula pada waktu itu. Harapan untuk membunuh kerakusan pemimpin UMNO dengan membunuh parti UMNO itu akan mendedahkan orang Melayu kepada satu kuasa baru. Tetapi, perlu di ingat, orang bukan Melayu pula sudah melompat riang menggunakan peluang yang sudah lama ditunggu.
3. Saya tidak dapat melihat kematangan seluruh rakyat Malasia tentang isu untuk me'Malaysian'kan bangsa Melayu, Cina dan India dan lain-lain kaum. Tidak kira siapapun latar belakang kita, kita sebenarnya masih terikat dengan label bangsa sendiri, dan kita sebenarnya tidak bersedia untuk menjadi satu bangsa, bangsa Malaysia. Kalaupun orang bukan Melayu kata mereka bersedia, akan tetapi orang Melayu yang menjadi majoriti kebanyakannya masih tidak bersedia. Maka, dalam keaadaan ini walaupun terdapat desakan yang kuat ke arah itu, penghayatannya akan berbeza. Masalah lain pula yang akan muncul selepas itu...
Banyak lagi sebenarnya yang ingin saya sebutkan tetapi atas pelbagai alasan biarlah saya sebutkan sahaja di sini. Silalah renungkan sendiri
4. Ketiadaan kuasa penuh dan mekanisme terus di kalangan Raja-raja Melayu untuk memberhentikan semua isu-isu politik ini.
5. Kehadiran individu-individu yang begitu cekap mengambil setiap peluang dan orang lain juga mengambil peluang atas inidividu individu ini atas kepentingan peribadi masing-masing.
6. Kelesuan orang orang cerdik pandai dalam memberikan respons yang meyakinkan untuk memperbetulkan keadaan.
semua ini akan mengikis kuasa Melayu seperti selama ini.
Sebagai seorang Melayu yang datang dari lubuk kemiskinan, mendaki tangga kejayaan dengan bantuan penuh kerajaan, dan sekarang mampu berdikari, kehilangan kuasa Melayu itu tidak akan mendatangkan mudarat besar kepada saya dan anak-anak saya. Maka, saya sepatutnya menyokong perubahan ini untuk tidak lagi bergelar bangsa yang dibantu sepanjang hayat.
Akan tetapi,
Apabila memikirkan ramai lagi sanak saudara, jiran-jiran dan teman-teman di kampung, saya tahu, saya perlu berfikiran rasional. Tanpa bantuan seperti mana bantuan yang saya terima, mereka tidak akan dapat bersama-sama dengan saya di taraf sekarang. Mereka akan menjadi kuli selama-lamanya. Orang Melayu tiada punya mentaliti dan budaya seperti orang Cina, maka ketiadaan bantuan bermakna hukuman menderita. Secara kolektifnya, anak-anak mereka tidak akan sama seperti anak-anak saya.
Baiklah, saya dilatih untuk menjadi praktikal dalam menangani sebarang isu.
Saya tiada kuasa untuk melakukan perubahan besar dalam hal ini. Secara praktikalnya, saya merasakan biarlah semua ini berlaku. Orang Melayu pun tiada pilihan lain. Ada hikmah disebalik kehilangan kuasa ini. Biarlah mereka menderita, kerana hanya dengan cara itu sahaja mereka akan berjaya dan berusaha habis-habisan untuk survivor mereka dan anak-anak mereka, sama seperti orang bukan Melayu sewatu kedatangan mereka ke Tanah Melayu suatu masa dahulu. Biarlah kita kehilangan kuasa ini kerana hanya dengan cara itu sahaja kita dapat mengenang kembali suatu masa dahulu kita pernah berkuasa, dan kita membiarkan kuasa itu hilang begitu sahaja. Orang Melayu perlukan peringatan sebegini, tetapi dalm bentuk yang 'real' dan bukannya retorik semata-mata.
Harapan saya ika itu berlaku, janganlah pula orang Melayu yang pernah dibantu suatu masa dahulu, dan sekarang mengecap nikmat bahagia lupa untuk membantu mereka yang menderita.
Bila kita tiada pilihan, usahlah berfikir panjang. Kalau kita masih ada pilihan, lakukan sesuatu sebelum terlambat.
mari kita sama-sama renungkannya.
Sudah sekian lama saya membisu dan tidak berkesempatan menguruskan blog ini. Tulisan pun banyak yang terpaksa di simpan dahulu. Akan tetapi, saya terpaksa menulis hari ini selepas hati rasa membara membaca coretan Tun Dr Mahathir di dalam blognya.
Saya pohon maaf kerana hari ini saya akan berbicara tentang politik. Tidak semua mungkin bersetuju dengan saya akan tetapi, inilah coretan saya berdasarkan kisah hidup dan kepercayaan saya sendiri.
Saya tidak akan mengulas tentang senario politik sekarang secara terperinci lagi. Tetapi, saya akan membincangkan tentang pandangan saya tentang apakan arah tuju kita selepas ini.
Saya nampak kehancuran UMNO dan orang Melayu akan kehilangan kuasa politik mereka dalam masa terdekat, yakni dalam masa setahun dua ini. Pilihanraya akan datang akan menyerlahkan kenyataan saya ini. Dan akan timbul begitu banyak isu lagi berkenaan hal ini. Tidak mustahil perkara ini akan berlarutan sehingga menimbulkan kekacauan dan haru biru di dalam negara kita.
Berikut adalah huraian saya:
1. 'Trend' politik yang berlaku sekarang menunjukkan bahawa orang Melayu sudah tidak berani mengaku mereka itu Melayu yang menerima banyak hak-hak keistimewaan Melayu seperti yang termaktub di dalam perlembagaan Malaysia. Mereka begitu segan dan malu untuk mengakui bahawa mereka adalah bangsa yang di bantu sepanjang hayat. Orang bukan Melayu pula mengambil kesempatan yang jarang-jarang tiba ini untuk mengungkit kembali banyak peristiwa dan isu yang selama ini menjadi dendam dan inti ketidakpuasan hati mereka.
Kedua-dua perkara ini jika diperhatikan secara terperinci akan membawa kepada kehilangan 'ketuanan' Melayu seperti yang dihuraikan oleh TDM di dalam blognya. Tuduhan bermain 'racial card' akan di berikan jika ada individu-individu tertentu yang memperjuangkan bangsa sendiri, tanpa mengutamakan konsep bangsa Malaysia. Maka, lebih ramai orang Melayu akan membisu kerana takut dituduh sedemikian. Maka lebih kuat pula orang bukan Melayu yang akan menekan isu ini dalam ertikata peluang yang tidak boleh dibiarkan begitu sahaja. Tiada pernah dalam sejarah orang bukan Melayu mendapat peluang sebegini rupa..
2. Saya tidak dapat melihat bagaimana UMNO dapat diselamatkan. Maka, dengan kematian UMNO maka, akan matilah sejarah yang memegang kuasa politik orang Melayu selama ini. Ada pihak-pihak tertentu yang berkata, parti lain juga memperjuangkan hak-hak orang Melayu dan orang Melayu akan terus terbela walaupun UMNO sudah berkubur. Ada pula yang marah kenapa asyik bercakap tentang orang Melayu sedangkan kita sudah sepatutnya bercakap tentang bangsa Malaysia, seperti orang Indonesia.
Berkuburnya UMNO beerti kuasa yang dipegang selama ini akan dibahagikan semula kepada pihak lain. Bagaimana dan apakah corak dan bahagiannya, tidaklah saya dapat menghuraikan pada waktu ini. Yang pasti, orang Melayu akan mencari-cari semula pada waktu itu. Harapan untuk membunuh kerakusan pemimpin UMNO dengan membunuh parti UMNO itu akan mendedahkan orang Melayu kepada satu kuasa baru. Tetapi, perlu di ingat, orang bukan Melayu pula sudah melompat riang menggunakan peluang yang sudah lama ditunggu.
3. Saya tidak dapat melihat kematangan seluruh rakyat Malasia tentang isu untuk me'Malaysian'kan bangsa Melayu, Cina dan India dan lain-lain kaum. Tidak kira siapapun latar belakang kita, kita sebenarnya masih terikat dengan label bangsa sendiri, dan kita sebenarnya tidak bersedia untuk menjadi satu bangsa, bangsa Malaysia. Kalaupun orang bukan Melayu kata mereka bersedia, akan tetapi orang Melayu yang menjadi majoriti kebanyakannya masih tidak bersedia. Maka, dalam keaadaan ini walaupun terdapat desakan yang kuat ke arah itu, penghayatannya akan berbeza. Masalah lain pula yang akan muncul selepas itu...
Banyak lagi sebenarnya yang ingin saya sebutkan tetapi atas pelbagai alasan biarlah saya sebutkan sahaja di sini. Silalah renungkan sendiri
4. Ketiadaan kuasa penuh dan mekanisme terus di kalangan Raja-raja Melayu untuk memberhentikan semua isu-isu politik ini.
5. Kehadiran individu-individu yang begitu cekap mengambil setiap peluang dan orang lain juga mengambil peluang atas inidividu individu ini atas kepentingan peribadi masing-masing.
6. Kelesuan orang orang cerdik pandai dalam memberikan respons yang meyakinkan untuk memperbetulkan keadaan.
semua ini akan mengikis kuasa Melayu seperti selama ini.
Sebagai seorang Melayu yang datang dari lubuk kemiskinan, mendaki tangga kejayaan dengan bantuan penuh kerajaan, dan sekarang mampu berdikari, kehilangan kuasa Melayu itu tidak akan mendatangkan mudarat besar kepada saya dan anak-anak saya. Maka, saya sepatutnya menyokong perubahan ini untuk tidak lagi bergelar bangsa yang dibantu sepanjang hayat.
Akan tetapi,
Apabila memikirkan ramai lagi sanak saudara, jiran-jiran dan teman-teman di kampung, saya tahu, saya perlu berfikiran rasional. Tanpa bantuan seperti mana bantuan yang saya terima, mereka tidak akan dapat bersama-sama dengan saya di taraf sekarang. Mereka akan menjadi kuli selama-lamanya. Orang Melayu tiada punya mentaliti dan budaya seperti orang Cina, maka ketiadaan bantuan bermakna hukuman menderita. Secara kolektifnya, anak-anak mereka tidak akan sama seperti anak-anak saya.
Baiklah, saya dilatih untuk menjadi praktikal dalam menangani sebarang isu.
Saya tiada kuasa untuk melakukan perubahan besar dalam hal ini. Secara praktikalnya, saya merasakan biarlah semua ini berlaku. Orang Melayu pun tiada pilihan lain. Ada hikmah disebalik kehilangan kuasa ini. Biarlah mereka menderita, kerana hanya dengan cara itu sahaja mereka akan berjaya dan berusaha habis-habisan untuk survivor mereka dan anak-anak mereka, sama seperti orang bukan Melayu sewatu kedatangan mereka ke Tanah Melayu suatu masa dahulu. Biarlah kita kehilangan kuasa ini kerana hanya dengan cara itu sahaja kita dapat mengenang kembali suatu masa dahulu kita pernah berkuasa, dan kita membiarkan kuasa itu hilang begitu sahaja. Orang Melayu perlukan peringatan sebegini, tetapi dalm bentuk yang 'real' dan bukannya retorik semata-mata.
Harapan saya ika itu berlaku, janganlah pula orang Melayu yang pernah dibantu suatu masa dahulu, dan sekarang mengecap nikmat bahagia lupa untuk membantu mereka yang menderita.
Bila kita tiada pilihan, usahlah berfikir panjang. Kalau kita masih ada pilihan, lakukan sesuatu sebelum terlambat.
mari kita sama-sama renungkannya.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
May God bless this effort
Dear all,
I would like to express my thanks to everybody, who provide support and useful comments during the introduction process of my blog.
Here is the plan,
I'll write whenever i have the time. I'm a person with multiple roles, as only excellent time management will allow me to do so. The topic will varies to suit everybody, extending from personal to national issues with a single objective: to share the principle of living with sincerity.
The "Photo Minggu Ini" section will be changed weekly, as the title suggest. Usually, it come from my personal collection. However, i welcome your photo (to be posted here) as long as you provide the message to be delivered (maybe with a short story) by email to me. Think about the message around it. Look more than what you see!
For example, I started with photo of a newborn baby, my first son exactly, at his few minutes of life, just to reflects my 'baby' status in the world of bloggers. Think around it, and you will discover your own answer. Maybe it's about love towards our own children @ how clean and defenseless they are @ physiology during delivery and infancy @ gejala membuang bayi sekarang ini @ our own memory ... and so on and so forth. So many issues around and all of them are correct and real, based on your own interpretation.
The segment "Recurrent Issues in Malaysia" will list the topics, which i think, too long and too complex to be elaborated here. Just go through the list, and you will noticed that what we are doing is exactly what we have been doing before. Nothing is new. Debates get boring around the corner, as we use to listen to the same story. We are tired and sicked of it!
Hopefully, this will trigger us to provide the major solution and allow us to move to the next step to develop ourselves, rather than wasting our energy to think about the same thing again and again.
I will try my best to share with you everything i know, and at the same time i'm looking forward to learn from each and everyone of you, whoever and wherever you are.
Come and lets start the circle of this beautiful processes, sharing and learning so that we can ourselves, start giving to others.
Beautiful, our life is.
Dr Mohammad Nawar Arifffin
I would like to express my thanks to everybody, who provide support and useful comments during the introduction process of my blog.
Here is the plan,
I'll write whenever i have the time. I'm a person with multiple roles, as only excellent time management will allow me to do so. The topic will varies to suit everybody, extending from personal to national issues with a single objective: to share the principle of living with sincerity.
The "Photo Minggu Ini" section will be changed weekly, as the title suggest. Usually, it come from my personal collection. However, i welcome your photo (to be posted here) as long as you provide the message to be delivered (maybe with a short story) by email to me. Think about the message around it. Look more than what you see!
For example, I started with photo of a newborn baby, my first son exactly, at his few minutes of life, just to reflects my 'baby' status in the world of bloggers. Think around it, and you will discover your own answer. Maybe it's about love towards our own children @ how clean and defenseless they are @ physiology during delivery and infancy @ gejala membuang bayi sekarang ini @ our own memory ... and so on and so forth. So many issues around and all of them are correct and real, based on your own interpretation.
The segment "Recurrent Issues in Malaysia" will list the topics, which i think, too long and too complex to be elaborated here. Just go through the list, and you will noticed that what we are doing is exactly what we have been doing before. Nothing is new. Debates get boring around the corner, as we use to listen to the same story. We are tired and sicked of it!
Hopefully, this will trigger us to provide the major solution and allow us to move to the next step to develop ourselves, rather than wasting our energy to think about the same thing again and again.
I will try my best to share with you everything i know, and at the same time i'm looking forward to learn from each and everyone of you, whoever and wherever you are.
Come and lets start the circle of this beautiful processes, sharing and learning so that we can ourselves, start giving to others.
Beautiful, our life is.
Dr Mohammad Nawar Arifffin
Friday, April 11, 2008
Mencari damai di hati
Salam untuk semua,
saya pohon maaf kerana sudah lama menyepi, dan kali ini saya kembali dalam versi bahasa melayu khusus untuk mencuba keupayaan saya menulis dalam bahasa ibunda saya. Sudah lama rupanya saya tidak berbuat demikian. Mungkin ada baiknya saya menulis dalam versi dwi-bahasa.. Sila beri respons anda OK!
sebagaimana yang dijanjikan saya akan berbicara tentang bagaimana ingin mencari damai di hati. Acapkali, saya menerima undangan untuk bercakap tentang hal ini dan saya mendapat galakan dari pendengar yang lain supaya saya berterusan berkongsi maklumat ini dengan semua orang.. Itulah yang saya lakukan sekarang..
damai di hati adalah rahsia besar orang yang berjaya. Ini adalah kerana dengan adanya damai di hati maka mereka ini dapat menumpukan sepenuh fokus dan tenaga mereka dalam melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan tanpa ada gangguan lain. Sudah diketahui umum, apabila jiwa dan dalaman kita tenang, produktiviti kita bertambah dan semestinya kita akan berjaya biar apapun bidang yang kita ceburi.
Ada hanya 3 perkara yang perlu dilakukan. Tidaklah begitu menyusahkan sebab hanya tiga perkara yang perlu diikuti...
Akan tetapi ketiga-tiga perkara ini perlulah dilakukan kalau boleh sepanjang masa, dan kalau tidakpun sekurang-kurang sekali setiap hari. Dan kita mestilah melakukan perkara ini setiap hari secara sedar.. iaitu dengan pasti kita perlu berusaha supaya kita melakukan ketiga-tiga perkara tersebut.
Berdoa. Ini adalah rahsia yang tidak menjadi rahsia lagi. Akan tetapi kita hanya tahu bercakap tetapi amat sedikit antara kita yang mengamalkannya dan menhayatinya setiap hari. Berdoa beerti menyandarkan harapan dan impian kita kepada suatu kuasa yang Agung dan menaruh sepenuh keyakinan kita bahawa kuasa Agung itu sahajalah yang berupaya mengurniakan impian kita tersebut. Maka dengan itu kita membuang tekanan di dalam minda separuh sedar kita dalam usaha mengejar impian tersebut. Maka kita lebih tenang dan yakin.
saya beri satu contoh di sini. Kita tidak mahu anak kita yang disayangi terlibat dalam kemalangan jalanraya. jadi kita memastikan kita mengajar beliau cara melintas jalan yang betul, kita memastikan kita memegang tangan mereka ketika melintas dan kita memarahi mereka ketika mereka bermain di tepi jalan yang sibuk. Akan tetapi, dalam masa yang sama, kita tiada berdoa terhadap keselamatan anak kita.. Ya..Kita kata kita berdoa, tetapi kita tidak lakukan dalam keaadaan sedar akan maksud yang di doakan. dalam ertikata yang lain kita tidak betul-betul meminta daripada yang Maha Agung, sedangkan kita memberikan masa, tenaga dan wang ringgit dalam melakukan yang terbaik atas tujuan berikut.
Tidakkah ini megundang satu persoalan dalam jiwa kita semua?
Kita hanya manusia biasa, dan kita tahu kita tidak mampu menetapkan banyak perkara, akan tetapi kita masih berlagak macam kita berupaya melakukan semuanya, termasuklah mencegah anak kita dari terlibat dalam kemalangan!
Jadi, memikirkan perkara di atas, jika kita melakukan yang terbaik sekalipun, kita masih tidak boleh mencegahnya 1oo%! Mungkin ada individu lain yang mabuk yang datang melanggar dari belakang walaupun kita sudah begitu berhati-hati.
jadi, kita hanya boleh melakukan apa yang terbaik dan terdaya sahaja. Selebihnya, usahlah membebankan fikiran kita. berdoa sahaja.. Mintalah apa yang terbuku di hati dan mintalah dengan bersungguh-sungguh dan penuh harapan dan keyakinan..
hasilnya amat menakjubkan.. Percayalah.
Akan tetapi kita perlu berterusan melakukannya.. setiap masa dan ketika kalau boleh.
Ini adalah resepi utama dalam mencari damai di hati. Tanpa syarat ini, maka kedua-dua syarat yang berikut pun tiada membawa sebarang makna. Berdoalah setiap ketika dan berdoalah dari hati kecil kita sendiri. Kita akan tahu, bahawa kita tidak akan mampu menipu diri kita sendiri. hanya diri kita sendiri yang mampu menyelami apa yang kita mahukan..
saya akan berbicara lagi tentang hal ini di waktu yang lain tentang bagaimana untuk berdoa. OK
Dua lagi perkara saya hanya akan sebut di sini, dan saya akan huraikan kemudian disebabkan kesuntukan masa.
Kedua: Pegang niat yang asal (stick to the original desire)
Ketiga: Mulalah memberi (start giving, instead of asking)
saya akan menulis lagi..OK. Sehingga itu jumpa lagi di lain masa.
saya pohon maaf kerana sudah lama menyepi, dan kali ini saya kembali dalam versi bahasa melayu khusus untuk mencuba keupayaan saya menulis dalam bahasa ibunda saya. Sudah lama rupanya saya tidak berbuat demikian. Mungkin ada baiknya saya menulis dalam versi dwi-bahasa.. Sila beri respons anda OK!
sebagaimana yang dijanjikan saya akan berbicara tentang bagaimana ingin mencari damai di hati. Acapkali, saya menerima undangan untuk bercakap tentang hal ini dan saya mendapat galakan dari pendengar yang lain supaya saya berterusan berkongsi maklumat ini dengan semua orang.. Itulah yang saya lakukan sekarang..
damai di hati adalah rahsia besar orang yang berjaya. Ini adalah kerana dengan adanya damai di hati maka mereka ini dapat menumpukan sepenuh fokus dan tenaga mereka dalam melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan tanpa ada gangguan lain. Sudah diketahui umum, apabila jiwa dan dalaman kita tenang, produktiviti kita bertambah dan semestinya kita akan berjaya biar apapun bidang yang kita ceburi.
Ada hanya 3 perkara yang perlu dilakukan. Tidaklah begitu menyusahkan sebab hanya tiga perkara yang perlu diikuti...
Akan tetapi ketiga-tiga perkara ini perlulah dilakukan kalau boleh sepanjang masa, dan kalau tidakpun sekurang-kurang sekali setiap hari. Dan kita mestilah melakukan perkara ini setiap hari secara sedar.. iaitu dengan pasti kita perlu berusaha supaya kita melakukan ketiga-tiga perkara tersebut.
Berdoa. Ini adalah rahsia yang tidak menjadi rahsia lagi. Akan tetapi kita hanya tahu bercakap tetapi amat sedikit antara kita yang mengamalkannya dan menhayatinya setiap hari. Berdoa beerti menyandarkan harapan dan impian kita kepada suatu kuasa yang Agung dan menaruh sepenuh keyakinan kita bahawa kuasa Agung itu sahajalah yang berupaya mengurniakan impian kita tersebut. Maka dengan itu kita membuang tekanan di dalam minda separuh sedar kita dalam usaha mengejar impian tersebut. Maka kita lebih tenang dan yakin.
saya beri satu contoh di sini. Kita tidak mahu anak kita yang disayangi terlibat dalam kemalangan jalanraya. jadi kita memastikan kita mengajar beliau cara melintas jalan yang betul, kita memastikan kita memegang tangan mereka ketika melintas dan kita memarahi mereka ketika mereka bermain di tepi jalan yang sibuk. Akan tetapi, dalam masa yang sama, kita tiada berdoa terhadap keselamatan anak kita.. Ya..Kita kata kita berdoa, tetapi kita tidak lakukan dalam keaadaan sedar akan maksud yang di doakan. dalam ertikata yang lain kita tidak betul-betul meminta daripada yang Maha Agung, sedangkan kita memberikan masa, tenaga dan wang ringgit dalam melakukan yang terbaik atas tujuan berikut.
Tidakkah ini megundang satu persoalan dalam jiwa kita semua?
Kita hanya manusia biasa, dan kita tahu kita tidak mampu menetapkan banyak perkara, akan tetapi kita masih berlagak macam kita berupaya melakukan semuanya, termasuklah mencegah anak kita dari terlibat dalam kemalangan!
Jadi, memikirkan perkara di atas, jika kita melakukan yang terbaik sekalipun, kita masih tidak boleh mencegahnya 1oo%! Mungkin ada individu lain yang mabuk yang datang melanggar dari belakang walaupun kita sudah begitu berhati-hati.
jadi, kita hanya boleh melakukan apa yang terbaik dan terdaya sahaja. Selebihnya, usahlah membebankan fikiran kita. berdoa sahaja.. Mintalah apa yang terbuku di hati dan mintalah dengan bersungguh-sungguh dan penuh harapan dan keyakinan..
hasilnya amat menakjubkan.. Percayalah.
Akan tetapi kita perlu berterusan melakukannya.. setiap masa dan ketika kalau boleh.
Ini adalah resepi utama dalam mencari damai di hati. Tanpa syarat ini, maka kedua-dua syarat yang berikut pun tiada membawa sebarang makna. Berdoalah setiap ketika dan berdoalah dari hati kecil kita sendiri. Kita akan tahu, bahawa kita tidak akan mampu menipu diri kita sendiri. hanya diri kita sendiri yang mampu menyelami apa yang kita mahukan..
saya akan berbicara lagi tentang hal ini di waktu yang lain tentang bagaimana untuk berdoa. OK
Dua lagi perkara saya hanya akan sebut di sini, dan saya akan huraikan kemudian disebabkan kesuntukan masa.
Kedua: Pegang niat yang asal (stick to the original desire)
Ketiga: Mulalah memberi (start giving, instead of asking)
saya akan menulis lagi..OK. Sehingga itu jumpa lagi di lain masa.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
What's more to come?
Dear friends,
I'll write about topics as listed below next time:
1. the recipe for stable state of mind
2. the great power of 'doa' and how to pray effectively
3. how to deal with uncertainties
4. the box of death
and many more interesting topics, aimed mainly to provide clues for a happy and meaningful life.
You can ask for more if you want!! No hidden cost at all. Ha ha
Till then, keep in touch.
I'll write about topics as listed below next time:
1. the recipe for stable state of mind
2. the great power of 'doa' and how to pray effectively
3. how to deal with uncertainties
4. the box of death
and many more interesting topics, aimed mainly to provide clues for a happy and meaningful life.
You can ask for more if you want!! No hidden cost at all. Ha ha
Till then, keep in touch.
Is everything ok with our kids? Are you sure with your answer?
Dear friends,
I have a chat with one of my great teacher few days back. We discussed many things from orthopaedics to life and politics. I want to share this topic with everybody..
Our children are in danger. We are talking about danger not only physical, but enviromental and spiritual.
Nowadays, it is very common for working parents to leave their children either with babysitter (family, neighbour or maid: most of the time Indonesian) or in nursery. I did it too. Most of the time, either we realize or not, we feel relieve and happy as somebody is looking after our kids. Is that really true? I'm talking about our preschool kids here.
I don't think so! I think our kids is in danger of loosing what we really want them to inherit, for the next generation. We said we looked after their education and others needs, but most of the time we only do so from 'money' point of view. We care about payments to the respective parties, transportation and others extra curicular activities, but thatwas for a simple reason. if we do not do so, our comfortable daily routine will be disturbed. We actually is looking after ourselves instead of our children!
Please, even if you don't have time, visit those nursery during abnormal office hours. For examples, around 10 am (when they usually serve snacks @late breakfast) and have a look what is there for our children to eat. You will feel bad most of the time. We occupy hinger rank in the society, but our kids have for food is... so sad to say here.
Go back home during the same time, and have a look ( or 'intai') what's going on at home between your maid and your kids. You will understand what i'm trying to say here? The worse thing, can we afford to do that everyday to find out what's really happening to our kids? I give you my answer.. Impossible!
So, if it's impossible for us to even find out what's going on (data collection), don't you think that it's also impossible for us to provide the correct solution. we don't even recognize what is our problem here!
Dear friends,
Please wake up. Our children are so helpless and they ONLY depend on us to help them. We are their parents and ONLY we can help them. Please do not think that anybody else will do that part for us, eventhough they offer and appear to do so.
I'm giving you only one partof it. There were so many of them. The way they talk to our children, hygiene issue, how about in the toilet, safety, emotional support, advises and so many of them. Swimming class, mandarin class, visits and so many others with extra charges of course cannot replace our company and care.
Eventhough my writing this time appear like everything is bad about our kid's teachers, i do not mean that, actually. Of course some of them are excellent and caring. They deserve certain credits. They have done well to our kids so far!
But they can never replaced our roles as a parents and 'main' love provider.
We are the one, who's supposed to give them love. More than what we claimed! You just need to stay with them, talk to them and observe them through their deeep eyes and you will find the answer. And the answer is not for you to tell anyone else.. It's meant only for you. Because, you're their only solution in their helpless world. They are innocent, I agree, but that doesn'r mean that we can continue to leave them in that bloody helpless environment..
Let's do something friend..
I have a chat with one of my great teacher few days back. We discussed many things from orthopaedics to life and politics. I want to share this topic with everybody..
Our children are in danger. We are talking about danger not only physical, but enviromental and spiritual.
Nowadays, it is very common for working parents to leave their children either with babysitter (family, neighbour or maid: most of the time Indonesian) or in nursery. I did it too. Most of the time, either we realize or not, we feel relieve and happy as somebody is looking after our kids. Is that really true? I'm talking about our preschool kids here.
I don't think so! I think our kids is in danger of loosing what we really want them to inherit, for the next generation. We said we looked after their education and others needs, but most of the time we only do so from 'money' point of view. We care about payments to the respective parties, transportation and others extra curicular activities, but thatwas for a simple reason. if we do not do so, our comfortable daily routine will be disturbed. We actually is looking after ourselves instead of our children!
Please, even if you don't have time, visit those nursery during abnormal office hours. For examples, around 10 am (when they usually serve snacks @late breakfast) and have a look what is there for our children to eat. You will feel bad most of the time. We occupy hinger rank in the society, but our kids have for food is... so sad to say here.
Go back home during the same time, and have a look ( or 'intai') what's going on at home between your maid and your kids. You will understand what i'm trying to say here? The worse thing, can we afford to do that everyday to find out what's really happening to our kids? I give you my answer.. Impossible!
So, if it's impossible for us to even find out what's going on (data collection), don't you think that it's also impossible for us to provide the correct solution. we don't even recognize what is our problem here!
Dear friends,
Please wake up. Our children are so helpless and they ONLY depend on us to help them. We are their parents and ONLY we can help them. Please do not think that anybody else will do that part for us, eventhough they offer and appear to do so.
I'm giving you only one partof it. There were so many of them. The way they talk to our children, hygiene issue, how about in the toilet, safety, emotional support, advises and so many of them. Swimming class, mandarin class, visits and so many others with extra charges of course cannot replace our company and care.
Eventhough my writing this time appear like everything is bad about our kid's teachers, i do not mean that, actually. Of course some of them are excellent and caring. They deserve certain credits. They have done well to our kids so far!
But they can never replaced our roles as a parents and 'main' love provider.
We are the one, who's supposed to give them love. More than what we claimed! You just need to stay with them, talk to them and observe them through their deeep eyes and you will find the answer. And the answer is not for you to tell anyone else.. It's meant only for you. Because, you're their only solution in their helpless world. They are innocent, I agree, but that doesn'r mean that we can continue to leave them in that bloody helpless environment..
Let's do something friend..
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Words of wisdom..Just ask for it!
Dear friends,
One of my habit is to ask for advice everytime i met an elderly person. i will used this sentence "So sir/mdm, based on your lifetime experiences, can you please give me an advice? Maybe you can choose one out of so many you know, the best one hopefully?"
This action usually followed by a puzzled facial expression. But after i managed to convince them, they will start giving one. And this time, they will have problem to stop!
What i'm trying to tell here, these experienced people (old, in other word) did have what i called as 'word of wisdom'. The only limitation is we do not ask enough for it! The more we ask, the more we will get.
i'll share with you my experience. I usually have many patients who belong to this age group and i always liked them so much. For me, dealing with them make me remember my parents and i will use my friendly approach to make them know, i'm sincere to offer my help. At the end of the consultation time, i will ask them for their advice. In fact i use the word, an advice especially for me. You see, most of the time, they will think for a while, and then BANG! I practised this habit every i go, including during visit to a new places, regardless of their location and backgrounds.
I listed them all and will try to make a book out of it.
Dear friends,
In between our busy schedule, looking back at those pieces of advise, i really feel thankful and blessed. I discovered their advice serve as a checkpoint in my life. EVeryone of them, serve as a beautiful reminder, and the best part of it, i remember them. No point you have a reminder, but you still forget, isn't it?
i'll share some great advises in my next opportunity. Till then see you.
One of my habit is to ask for advice everytime i met an elderly person. i will used this sentence "So sir/mdm, based on your lifetime experiences, can you please give me an advice? Maybe you can choose one out of so many you know, the best one hopefully?"
This action usually followed by a puzzled facial expression. But after i managed to convince them, they will start giving one. And this time, they will have problem to stop!
What i'm trying to tell here, these experienced people (old, in other word) did have what i called as 'word of wisdom'. The only limitation is we do not ask enough for it! The more we ask, the more we will get.
i'll share with you my experience. I usually have many patients who belong to this age group and i always liked them so much. For me, dealing with them make me remember my parents and i will use my friendly approach to make them know, i'm sincere to offer my help. At the end of the consultation time, i will ask them for their advice. In fact i use the word, an advice especially for me. You see, most of the time, they will think for a while, and then BANG! I practised this habit every i go, including during visit to a new places, regardless of their location and backgrounds.
I listed them all and will try to make a book out of it.
Dear friends,
In between our busy schedule, looking back at those pieces of advise, i really feel thankful and blessed. I discovered their advice serve as a checkpoint in my life. EVeryone of them, serve as a beautiful reminder, and the best part of it, i remember them. No point you have a reminder, but you still forget, isn't it?
i'll share some great advises in my next opportunity. Till then see you.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Don't jump when everybody else did..
Salam to all again,
Malaysian politics now is full of surprise and interesting news. It's good to see from the last election time how a lot of people react to the results. Many of course give their comments and some even started to jump. Especially those who involved directly..
From my point of view,
those who react straight away, i called it jumping, should not do so, unless they are pretty sure what's really going on. It's very important to know how much we know and make sure, even if we said we know, the origin of the facts must be reliable.
many of us dont even know.. or at least check wether we know or not!
be careful friends..check your sources..
be responsible when you think you are able to give the response..
Malaysian politics now is full of surprise and interesting news. It's good to see from the last election time how a lot of people react to the results. Many of course give their comments and some even started to jump. Especially those who involved directly..
From my point of view,
those who react straight away, i called it jumping, should not do so, unless they are pretty sure what's really going on. It's very important to know how much we know and make sure, even if we said we know, the origin of the facts must be reliable.
many of us dont even know.. or at least check wether we know or not!
be careful friends..check your sources..
be responsible when you think you are able to give the response..
Salam to all...
Dear friends,
This is my little effort to join you all in the interesting world of bloggers and to share my opinion. I welcome your comments and i promise to make sure that your comments will be channeled in a proper way.. The way i think may benefit if not everybody, to majority of us..
Just like many of us out here, we want to contribute something, but maybe we do not know what, when and how to go about?
Please believe in yourself, and just treat me as one of your friend. I just want to do my best to share and contribute,..
I love Malaysia too.
dr mohammad nawar ariffin
This is my little effort to join you all in the interesting world of bloggers and to share my opinion. I welcome your comments and i promise to make sure that your comments will be channeled in a proper way.. The way i think may benefit if not everybody, to majority of us..
Just like many of us out here, we want to contribute something, but maybe we do not know what, when and how to go about?
Please believe in yourself, and just treat me as one of your friend. I just want to do my best to share and contribute,..
I love Malaysia too.
dr mohammad nawar ariffin
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Saya kembali selepas 3 bulan menyepi..
Maaf dipinta kepada semua. Atas beberapa sebab yang tak dapat dinyatakan di sini, saya terpaksa rehat sebentar. Akan tetapi sekarang saya ak...
Salam untuk semua, saya pohon maaf kerana sudah lama menyepi, dan kali ini saya kembali dalam versi bahasa melayu khusus untuk mencuba keupa...
Salam untuk semua, Sudah sekian lama saya membisu dan tidak berkesempatan menguruskan blog ini. Tulisan pun banyak yang terpaksa di simpan d...